Monday, June 29, 2009

Yarn, a Pattern, and a Shameless Plug

Yarn StashRemember when I claimed I was going to the thrift store for inspiration and supplies?  Well, I didn't.  It turns out they're on vacation (how does a store take a vacation?!) for at least the rest of this month.  But, in the spirit of things, I made a new pattern!  I'm feeling very productive...  Unfortunately, you get this ramble first, but I promise my next post will be a full pattern write-up!  And trust me, this one's possibly cuter than Humphrey.

Whenever I pack for school, I always manage to forgt something desperately important.  This time, I believe I forgot color (the lack of which is pictured to the left).  Humphrey the Giraffe was the very last of my  bright colors , and that little piece of yellow yarn is all that remains.  I really don't know how I managed to squeak by.  And I apoligize for all those little balls of the same stuff, but that's what I get for taking apart complicated projects.



The bright side to my predicament is that it's forcing me (kicking and screaming) to think of creative patterns that can be covered by shades of blue, shades of black, brown, and white.  Here's a preview for my next post!  Yes, I'm jumping on the zombie bandwagon...  I prefer the girl, but hey, we're an equal opportunity blog and there's room for every kind of zombie here!  And yes, I did make just one zombie model.  (S)He's a little confused... ^.^

The girl is in the dress, and there's the boy in his shorts (not a skirt!).  As usual, they both need names...  I'm not offering a prize this time, but if you think you've got a good one, leave it in the comments!  Also as proof I haven't *completely* forgotten how to knit, the dress and shorts are both knitted!

Zombie3My final item today is the Uniform Project.  The idea is bring attention to sustainable fashion, while raising money for education for some of India's poorest children at the same time.  It's very much in the same vein as the Little Brown Dress Project from a few years ago, but I think it's a bit more fashion forward and appeals more to a younger generation.  Anyways, the creators of the Uniform Project are open to donations for their outfits, so I emailed them about sending in a piece!  I'll let you know about future developments!  Of course, if you've got something too, they're very very personable and will definitely hear you out!

Happy Monday!


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