Monday, June 22, 2009

Giraffe Giveaway!

I know, I promised he'd be ready today, but the little bugger just won't let me rest!  He tells me he wants a name now...  So, I'm offering a giveaway!  Whomever suggests the best (chosen arbitrarily by me) will get the pattern for free, as well as my undying gratitude!  It's 5 pages, and full of pictures with detailed instructions.  The stitches are extremely easy (single and slip), so this pattern is suitable for all levels!


If you think you've got a winning name, leave your name, email address, and your suggestions in the comments below.  Everyone has an unlimited number of entries and the contest will end 24 hours hence, at 2pm EST on Tuesday, June 23.  Good luck!


Thank you!


ETA: As it is now 2pm EST, this contest is closed!!  Thank you all for your submissions and I'll back back sometime tonight (after class) with the results!


  1. Just saw this on craftster - your Giraffe is gorgeous! I love this pattern!
    I would name him 'Hocklepock' or 'Picklewick' - just because I like the way those words sound! :)

  2. I think he looks like a Hugh. Short for Sir Hubert Norris Finkely-Smyth.
    (Something about him seems kinda English country gentleman to me?!)

  3. I would call him Granville. I like alliteration, and I like the idea that when he is old and well loved and in someones grand kids toy box he will have a name that suits him :)

  4. He is so cute! I saw him and immediately thought "Howie". Not sure why! =)

  5. So cute! Everyone is saying the girafe is a he but I see a girl : )
    I think her name should be Ainsley

  6. I think it's name should be Geronimo (or a better spelling).

  7. i think you should name him Wilson. :)

  8. He looks like a Socrates to me :)

  9. I think his name should be Neil Patrick Harris. He really looks like he would suit that name!

  10. What a cutie!! Let's see ... I really love his bold, pretty coloring. How about Cocoa Butter or Truffles? A sweet name for such a sweetie pie :)

  11. I am with Abby and think this is a little girl -- my suggestion is Gigi.

  12. So Cute I will call him 'WAM-BEE'

  13. I kinda see him as a 'Herbert' or a Herbie kinda name :D
