Monday, August 2, 2010

Pattern 12/12: Pig

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

A few notes:  I suggest making the head last, so you can add ears, eyes, etc as you go.  I places the eyes into the 12th and 16th stitches of the 7th row.  I also weighed the bottom of the body with plastic pellets to keep them standing up, but you may want something heavier (like a pebble or magnet).


Red Heart Soft Yarn in Pink and Chocolate (I thought the pinks available for Red Heart Soft were too light, so I used Vanna’s Choice Baby in Pink Poodle.  Honestly, I can’t even tell the difference!)

3.0mm crochet hook

Scissors, Yarn Needle, Safety Eyes


The Basic Body and Head patterns are available here.

Pig Ears:

In Pink:

Ch 3.  1 sc in the second ch from hook, 1 hdc in the first ch.  Ch 1, cut yarn, pull through.  Use yarn ends to tie to head.

Pig Nose:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 6sc into the first ch. (6)

End with a slst in the next stitch for a more even appearance.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  A length of scrap Chocolate yarn makes a cute embroidered nose.  Use the tail from the nose to seam it to the head.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Pattern 11/12: Dog

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

A few notes:  I suggest making the head last, so you can add ears, eyes, etc as you go.  I places the eyes into the 12th and 16th stitches of the 7th row.  I also weighed the bottom of the body with plastic pellets to keep them standing up, but you may want something heavier (like a pebble or magnet).


Red Heart Soft Yarn in Off White and Chocolate

3.0mm crochet hook

Scissors, Yarn Needle, Safety Eyes


The Basic Body and Head patterns are available here.

Dog Ears:

In Chocolate:

Ch 5.  1 sc in the second ch from hook, 1 hdc x 3 in the next chains.  Ch 1, cut yarn, pull through.  Use yarn ends to tie to head.

Dog Face Spot:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 8 sc into the first ch. (8)

End with a slst in the next stitch for a more even appearance.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  Use tail to seam to head.

Dog Tail:

In Chocolate:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 6 sc into the first ch. (6)

Round 2 - *1 sc* x 6 (6)

Change to Chocolate:

Round 3-4 - *1 sc* x 6 (6)

End with a slst in the next stitch for a more even appearance.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  Use tail to seam to head.

Dog Back Spot: (yes, it's a heart, and cute doesn't need a reason)

In Chocolate:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 3. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 4 dc, ch 1, 4 dc, 1 hdc into the first ch.  End with a slst in the magic loop.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  Use tail to seam to head.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pattern 10/12: Rooster

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

A few notes:  I suggest making the head last, so you can add ears, eyes, etc as you go.  I places the eyes into the 12th and 16th stitches of the 7th row.  I also weighed the bottom of the body with plastic pellets to keep them standing up, but you may want something heavier (like a pebble or magnet).


Red Heart Soft Yarn in Chocolate, Wine, and Gold (The Red Heart Soft line doesn't have a good yellow, so I used Red Heart Classic in Gold.  There is a textural difference, but the change is not visually apparent.)

3.0mm crochet hook

Scissors, Yarn Needle, Safety Eyes


The Basic Body and Head patterns are available here.

Rooster Comb:

In Wine:

Ch 11.  Beginning in th second chain from the hook, 1 hdc, (1 dc 1tr, 1 dc 1 hdc, 1sc 1 hdc) x 2, 1 dc 1 tr, 1 dc 1 hdc, 1sc.  (the commas indicate advancing to the next stitch.)  Ch 1, cut yarn, pull through.  Use yarn ends to tie to head.

Rooster Beak:

In Gold:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 4 sc into the first ch. (4)

Round 2 – *1 sc, 1 inc* x 2 (6)

End with a slst in the next stitch for a more even appearance.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  Use tail to seam to head.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pattern 9/12: Monkey

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

A few notes:  I suggest making the head last, so you can add ears, eyes, etc as you go.  I places the eyes into the 12th and 16th stitches of the 7th row.  I also weighed the bottom of the body with plastic pellets to keep them standing up, but you may want something heavier (like a pebble or magnet).  For a tail, a curly crocheted chain works, or a chain, with a row of sc, if you prefer something thicker.


Red Heart Soft Yarn in Off White and Chocolate

3.0mm crochet hook

Scissors, Yarn Needle, Safety Eyes


The Basic Body and Head patterns are available here.

Monkey Ears:

In Chocolate:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – *1 sc* x 4 into the first ch. (4)

Round 2 - *1 inc* x 4 (8)

Ch 1, cut yarn, pull through.  Use yarn ends to tie to head.

Monkey Face:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 6sc into the first ch. (6)

Round 2 – *1 inc* x 6 (12)

Round 3 – *1 sc, 1 inc* x 6 (18)

Round 4 – *1 sc* x 18 (18)

End with a slst in the next stitch for a more even appearance.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  Use tail to seam to head.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pattern 8/12: Sheep

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

A few notes:  I suggest making the head last, so you can add ears, eyes, etc as you go.  I places the eyes into the 12th and 16th stitches of the 7th row.  I also weighed the bottom of the body with plastic pellets to keep them standing up, but you may want something heavier (like a pebble or magnet).


Red Heart Soft Yarn in Off White and Light Grey Heather

3.0mm crochet hook

Scissors, Yarn Needle, Safety Eyes


The Basic Body and Head patterns are available here.

Sheep Ears:

In Light Grey Heather:

Ch 5.  1 sc in the second ch from hook, 1 hdc x 3 in the next chains.  Ch 1, cut yarn, pull through.  Use yarn ends to tie to head.

Sheep Face:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 6sc into the first ch. (6)

Round 2 – *1 inc* x 6 (12)

Round 3 – *1 sc, 1 inc* x 6 (18)

Round 4 – *1 sc* x 18 (18)

End with a slst in the next stitch for a more even appearance.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  Use tail to seam to head.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pattern 7/12: Horse

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

A few notes:  I suggest making the head last, so you can add ears, eyes, etc as you go.  I places the eyes into the 12th and 16th stitches of the 7th row.  I also weighed the bottom of the body with plastic pellets to keep them standing up, but you may want something heavier (like a pebble or magnet).


Red Heart Soft Yarn in Chocolate and Black

3.0mm crochet hook

Scissors, Yarn Needle, Safety Eyes


The Basic Body and Head patterns are available here.

Horse Ears:

In Chocolate:

Ch 3.  1 sc in the second ch, 1 hdc in the first ch.  Ch 1, cut yarn, pull through.  Use yarn ends to tie to head.

Horse Nose:

In Chocolate:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 6sc into the first ch. (6)

Round 2 – *1 sc, 1 inc* x 3 (9)

Round 3 – *1 sc* x 9 (9)

End with a slst in the next stitch for a more even appearance.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  Use tail to seam to head.

As for the mane, I suggest Needle Noodles' tutorial for attaching hair.  I made the tail by wrapping yarn around a board about 10 times, tying a knot around one side, and cutting all the wraps on the other side.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pattern 6/12: Snake

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

A few notes:  I suggest making the head last, so you can add ears, eyes, etc as you go.  I places the eyes into the 12th and 16th stitches of the 7th row.  I also weighed the bottom of the body with plastic pellets to keep them standing up, but you may want something heavier (like a pebble or magnet).


Red Heart Soft Yarn in Leaf, Pink, and Gold (I thought the pinks available for Red Heart Soft were too light, so I used Vanna’s Choice Baby in Pink Poodle.  Honestly, I can’t even tell the difference!  The Gold, on the other hand, is Red Heart Classic.  There is a textural difference, butthe change is not visually apparent.)

3.0mm crochet hook

Scissors, Yarn Needle, Safety Eyes


The Basic Body and Head patterns are available here.

Snake Tongue:

In Leaf:

Ch 6, 2 slst, ch 3, 5 slst. (The first two go into the second chain, the last three, into the first chain.) Ch 1, cut tail, etc.

Snake Tail:

Beginning with a Magic Loop, ch 2. (The loop counts as the first ch.)

Round 1 – 4 sc into the first ch. (4)

Round 2 – *1 sc, 1 inc* x 2 (6)

Round 3 – *1 sc* x 6 (6)

Round 4 – *1 sc, 1 inc* x 3 (9)

Round 5 – *1 sc* x 9 (9)

End with a slst in the next stitch for a more even appearance.  Cut the yarn and pull the tail through.  Use tail to seam to head.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pattern 5/12: Dragon

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

I've returned from my trip and moved everything to a pdf available through Ravelry. Thanks for stopping by though!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pattern 4/12: Rabbit

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

I've returned from my trip and moved everything to a pdf available through Ravelry. Thanks for stopping by though!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pattern 3/12: Tiger

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

I've returned from my trip and moved everything to a pdf available through Ravelry. Thanks for stopping by though!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Pattern 2/12: Ox

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

I've returned from my trip and moved everything to a pdf available through Ravelry. Thanks for stopping by though!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pattern 1/12: Mouse

This is an automated post.  A new pattern will be added every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 7 to Aug 2 and they will be available until I return on Aug 9.  I will also be able to answer comments and questions then.

- Cristy

I've returned from my trip and moved everything to a pdf available through Ravelry. Thanks for stopping by though!

Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm leaving, on a jet plane....

So.  I have rather big news.  Tomorrow morning, at the god-forsaken time of 6am, I'll be boarding a plane to China!  I've applied to teach English there for a month, which is very, very exciting, but I want to be able to devote myself entirely to teaching and I'm not sure I'll have time to update as regularly as you deserve...  (Also, for all I know, the Great Firewall of China will block my access entirely.  *sigh*  Grr.)

Anyways, since I don't want to leave you staring at a blank wall, I've scheduled an automatic series of posts instead.  So, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, beginning with Wednesday, July 7th, a new crochet pattern will magically appear!  All twelve posts will feature a free pattern and these posts will remain until I return August 9th.  After that, I'll pull the posts down, compile them into some sort of PDF (probably both group and individual), and offer them for sale on Ravelry.  I suggest getting them while they're free though. :p

See you in 2 days!

- Cristy

PS - Yeah, I'm not telling you what the patterns are for; you'll just have to wait!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Teal Dress

Remember that skirt I made from a secondhand shirt?  Well, that wasn't the only men's shirt I grabbed.

I've been working on a shirt dress, borrowing a lot from Roethke's tutorial on Craftster.  What do you think, so far?

(Ignore the weird proportions that make me look like a giant...)  Even though this is definitely my first dress and I'm having to hand sew the entire thing, it's actually going really, really well.  So far, the hardest part was just figuring out how to get an entire dress out of a single XXL shirt.  (I haven't decided between a halter or straps, so the tops of the bodice are tucked into my bra.)

Both the front and back panels of the bodice (4 of them) came from the front of the shirt.  The half circle skirt was a lot more difficult though...  I cut the sleeves open down the seam and got a quarter of the skirt from each sleeve.  The third quarter came from the center of the back of the shirt, and the fourth and final panel was divided into two separate pieces, which actually worked out really well.  As depicted in the extremely crappy sketch:

I still have a few seams to finish, as well as all the hems, but I think it looks pretty decent so far, despite not being ironed.  At least, the shape looks pretty good, but I'm not sure I can get past it being a *teal dress*.  Teal's a lovely color and it doesn't clash with my skin color, but it's just a lot of blue at once...

Soooooo, what do you think?  Perhaps I could lessen the blueness with appropriate accessories?

- Cristy

Currently Watching: Eight Below

PS: I've been planning something big for Monday, so get excited!

Cute Tank Top Update

I'll have 2 posts today, to make up for the lack of anything recently!

First, I have this black tank top that, while it's incredibly comfortable (and I bought it on sale ^.^), is just a bit boring.  And, since I usually pair it with a plaid skirt, the look makes me feel like a wannabe-punk teenager.  (Definitely not a good thing...)

But I was going through my mom's button stash a few days ago and found some adorable heart-shaped buttons that I had to use.

Unfortunately, they're shank buttons, so they lay a little funny but I love them. <3  I think they're actually leftover buttons from the sweaters my grandmother used to knit me when I was a baby...

I think they make a sale tank from Wet Seal look like something I could've bought for a lot more.  Of course, it could be just as cute without the little heart buttons.  These were some others I was considering:

Yes, I'm a little bit anal about patterns and order...  And I realized the idea was definitely inspired by a picture from Gala Darling:

Have I mentioned I love her?  And I wish I could pull off bright pink hair. *jealous*  Anyone have any hair color tips for more olive skinned people?

- Cristy

Currently Watching: In Plain Sight - "WITSEC Stepmother"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Comfort Cable Blanket (continued....)

Yes, I'm still working on it...  At this rate, I might finish it by the end of *next* summer.

And I really wanted to show off how very not-far I'd gotten on it.  (That's a meter stick, by the way.  I think it's high time the US caught up with the rest of the world...)  Don't be tricked by our bench-tables; the table part is only half as wide as a standard picnic table...

I do love working on it, but I wish it was done so I could snuggle under it properly!  (Although I have fallen asleep under it twice already. >.>)

- Cristy

Currently Watching: Angel -  "The Ring"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hazard Bunny

The office where my parents work has a tradition of giving all the employees gifts for Christmas.  While the gesture is appreciated, the hazard-orange sweatshirt was not.  (The company name has been obscured.)

Of course, as soon as my mother got home, she presented it to me, begging me to do something with it.  Of course, I didn't do anything about it until this weekend, but one awful orange sweatshirt and another kid's Earth Day sweatshirt later...

I had Dexter, the Hazmat Bunny!

Of course, when my mother saw him the next morning, she complained that she couldn't tell his front from his back!  *sigh*  So I added eyes.

I have to say, I'm extremely pleased with how he turned out.  Even though he's hand-sewn, my seams look pretty decent.  I do have an embarrassing mistake confession though; I accidentally cut out two of the same side at first. >.<  Luckily, that orange sweatshirt is Huge!  I also weighted the bunny with a few scoops of plastic pellets, so he feels a bit more solid and bean-bag-y.  The tutorial and pattern are both from Kwoozy.  Now I'm tempted to make a whole army of different types of orange rabbits...  Anyone know any other fun, free patterns?

- Cristy

Currently Listening to: "Love Lockdown" - Kayne West

Monday, June 21, 2010

My First Pair of Socks!

I did it!!  I finally finished the second mate to my Leyburn Sock, and I couldn't be more pleased.  They're perfect for wearing around the house, especially in the summer, when the AC is too high, and I think they'll go well with my boots in autumn and winter.

And, even though I had to force myself to finish them, I've already started looking at more sock patterns and my brother's bugging me for a pair of his own...  *sigh*  We'll see. ^.^

- Cristy

Currently Watching: Royal Pains -  "Keeping the Faith"

Friday, June 18, 2010

Cupcakes = <3

As I mentioned last time, I got to visit the boyfriend this past weekend!  Before I arrived, he promised we'd get to bake something and, since I stumbled this POM Chocolate Cupcake with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting recipe a few days ago, it was our first choice.  (POM is a brand of pomegranate juice.)

Neither of us are exactly master bakers, so we decided to avoid deviating from the recipe too much.  We did add 1/3 cup of the juice to the frosting recipe, with the intention of adding color and flavor, but it doesn't seem to have had an effect...  Other than that, everything went surprisingly smoothly!  Even if you don't like pomegranates, I'd give the recipe a try.  So far, everyone who's tried one doesn't taste any pomegranate, but they agree the chocolate is much richer and more moist than normal.

Of course, I came home to find the first blueberries were ripe and, blueberries + cupcake?  Perfection!

Somehow, we ended up with 24 regular and 12 mini cupcakes...  but I'm not complaining!  I would definitely make these again, and try all of the other flavors of POM juice (POM Blueberry, Cherry, Mango, Kiwi, and Nectarine!).

(Pretty blueberry picture for shits and giggles:)

Any ideas for getting more flavor into the icing?  Perhaps concentrated pomegranate juice?

- Cristy

Currently Watching: "The Real Mary Magdalene" on the National Geographic Channel

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June Yarn Haul!

As I've mentioned before, reading fashion blogs is a guilty pleasure.  One of them, The Coveted, recently posted a video of a haul of things she bought at a drugstore.  And, considering the amount of yarn I've gotten this past month, I thought I'd do something similar!  (Hopefully mine will be a bit shorter.  10 minutes is looooooong... >.>)

First, everything all at once!

Seriously, I want to make a big pile and dive into it.  So much better than leaf piles...

These three, you've seen before.  The bulky blue and maroon are my handspun wool top ($2 each) and the sport-weight, variegated purple is handspun wool/mohair ($14).

Next, Plymouth Yarn's Galway Highland Heather.  Of course, I recognize Plymouth Yarns, but I've never seen this line.  It reminds me a lot of Cascade 220 Heathers, except a bit cheaper, perhaps.  Best part - It was a just-because gift from the boyfriend!  <3

I've mentioned these earlier as well, but at $22 total, I'm still riding a bit of a high!  (Apologies for the glare, it's been a very North Carolinian summer...)

These, I got last weekend while visiting the boyfriend!  At $44 for the lot, it was a decent deal.  The rainbow-y one to the left seems to be Plymouth Yarn's version of Noro yarn and, at half the price of Noro, I think I already like it!  The shrimpy brown skein is some luxury cotton.  Usually, I don't really care for cotton, but this was in the singles bin and 10% off, so I thought I'd try it.  The two round skeins are Cascade 220 (Yay!), but they're Superwash (YAY!!).  These will definitely become gifts for people who throw gloves in the laundry...  The bright blue is yet more Cascade, but this time, sock yarn!  I had no idea it even existed.  None.  Oh, and the shop is What's Needlin' Ewe, in Mount Airy, NC.  I suggest a visit if you're in the area, if even just to ransack the singles bin. ^.^

And finally, these came from a friend who was selling off some of her stash (at $1 each, I couldn't say no...)  To be honest, some of the labels aren't terrible informative, but the pink is dralon, a silky, high quality acrylic, made in Turkey by Himalaya.  I'll have to Google translate the label though because I don't exactly speak Turkish... The variegated brown is superwash wool (more socks?).  But I'm actually more excited about the solid brown and the giant pile of blues.  The friend I bought these from worked for several companies designing yarn, so I think these may be samples that were never released.  Of course, that means they don't have the yardage on the labels, but look!  Unique! Haha.  What I'll do with denim-colored yarn is beyond me, but I certainly have a ton of it!

So yeah, that was rather long.  And if you have any project suggestions, I would be more than happy to hear them!

- Cristy

Currently Watching: Lord of War

Friday, June 11, 2010

Maxi Dress Reconstructed

Oh, the maxi dress...  What you lack in sophistication, you make up in comfort.  At least, until the dress is barely a year old and the elastic's just not working like it used to.  Until recently, I had one such dress.  It was comfortable, especially on lazy, laundry days but eventually, the fear of public embarrassment drove me away.  That is, until I realized all it needed was an easy fix!  One cheap, destroyed belt later, I had straps!

You can probably figure out how it's done, but pictures never hurt!

(The belt came on a sweater that I've long since outgrown and the width helps hide pesky bra straps!)  I put the dress on, marked the spots for straps with safety pins, and attached two pieces of belt to the back.  Put the dress on again, bring the straps forward over your shoulders, and it's easy to figure out how long you want them.  I originally wanted to use the ribbons on the dress, but wasn't sure if they were long enough.  Oh, and I wouldn't suggest using any stretchy material, since it tends to fall off shoulders...

Mmmm, hand-stitching!  (Hey, it's on the inside so I get to be lazy.)

Final step:  Stare wistfully across the pond and appreciate the summer breeze!


- Cristy

Currently Listening to: "Fireflies" - Owl City

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wool Top bits

I used up all my wool top. :\ Since I just have 2oz of each color, I wanted to play with it a bit and made some over spun, springy stuff.

But really, I never know what to do with bulky yarns, much less bulky art yarns... And when it comes out to a grand total of 17 yds, it's not exactly going to make a funky scarf. ^.^ But I did have some crochet thread on hand and, plied with a single, it's rather pretty!

And, since I liked it so much, I unspun (ugg) the maroon and repeated the whole process. Probably could've gone with a different thread color, but blue was all I had.

I'm thinking fuzzy winter slipper-socks? I might have enough if I use both colors (stripes!). Or I could just sit here and pet them! I <3 wool. ^.^

- Cristy

Currently Watching: Royal Pains - "Spasticity"

Monday, June 7, 2010

Swishy skirt for summer!

(Alliteration entirely intentional)  Clearly, I've been checking New Dress A Day too frequently, but I couldn't be more pleased with my new skirt.

Step 1:  Buy a cheap ($3.95!) men's shirt from Goodwill.  (A large is fine for a skirt, but a dress probably requires at least an XXL or bigger.)  It doesn't need to be pretty; it just needs potential!  And it reminded me of something my grandmother in China would wear. :\

Step 2:  Chop it into little bits!  I tried to preserve the hems and seams, since hand-sewing sucks, but ended up with a simple A-line.  Best part: I get to keep the pocket!

Close up:

It's very, very comfy (yay, rayon!).  If I can get my hands on my dad's sewing machine, I'd like to reinforce it a bit.  (Might tighten the waist as well, to cement the 'high-waisted-feel.)  But right now, I'm more excited about finally finishing my first wearable piece!

What do you think?

- Cristy

Currently Watching: Law & Order: Criminal Intent - "The War at Home"

Friday, June 4, 2010

My longest project is...

...definitely the simplest. ^.^  Seriously, I have these things sitting in a folder in my room for ages and just now got around to cutting them out and baking them.  And by ages, I mean since I was about 9, so a good decade ago...

I'm never quite sure what to do with shrink plastic...  It's a bit too kitschy to pass off as any sort of real jewelry, but they're so close to those laser cut acrylic pieces I love. ^.^

Oh well, I'm definitely happy to have them done, and they look rather nice hanging in the window!

- Cristy

Currently Watching: "Living the Dream" - House, M.D.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not everyone needs a DeLorean....

Some of us just need a kick-ass bonnet!

Here's the story:

The historic Latta Plantation (in Huntersville, NC) had a Living History day fundraiser this past weekend.  Latta Plantation was built  in the very early 1800s and passed from owner to owner until 1975, when it became a museum exhibiting how life was like in the early 19th century.  As part of the weekend's activities, I was allowed to participate as part of a spinning and knitting demonstration.  Most of the visitors were families with younger children and I have to say, I loved correcting the fathers who were convinced what we were doing was weaving...  But the history was fun too, and we got to eat the food from the kitchen!

Mmmm, amazing croquettes...  They're fried over a fire with about 3 cups total of shredded chicken, green onion, and crumbled bacon all held together with a single egg.  They come out wonderfully crispy on the outside, and they're even better sprinkled with lots of ground pepper.

Of course, there were other activities too, such as games for kids, a traditional southern tea party, and beekeepers.  I loved volunteering there and, if you're interested, they have a list of upcoming events!


- Cristy

Currently Watching: Jakob the Liar on